Minutes of 26 February 2022 meeting

Minutes of meeting of the Board of Directors of the Autscape Organisation

Meeting date: 26th February 2022

Meeting time: 16:00 GMT

Meeting Chair: James

Present: Elaine, Heta, James, Kalen, Richard, Trish, Peter (from 16:20), Martijn (from 16:35)

Apologies: Martijn (for joining in late)

Observers: George Watts

1. Approvals

1.1. Minutes of the 22nd January meeting, posted to the list on 24th February.

The minutes were approved, 6 for

2. Ratifications

No ratifications.

3. Proposals

3.1. The Chair recommended that the board accept the Autscape UK event proposal after due consideration.

It was pointed out that items 3.1. and 3.3. covered the same issue. The vent proposal had not been sent to the Board, so it was an error to have this item on the agenda. The Chair removed 3.1. and deferred 3.3. to the list.

3.2. The Chair proposed that we donate £2K to the bursary fund.

The motion was carried, 8 for.

3.4. The Treasurer proposed that Trish Jubb be approved to have access to the PayPal account to assist with payments on behalf of Autscape.

The motion was carried, 8 for.

3.5. Peter proposed that Autscape get involved with the project 'Peoples history museum, nothing about us without us'.

The proposal was deferred to the list for ongoing consideration.

4. Follow-ups

No follow-ups

5. Role reports

5.1 Event Manager (Kalen): The event manager reported that the proposal had been completed, and that she had started recruiting the on-site team. The usual provider had agreed to provide childcare.

6. Any Other Business

6.1 The Chair proposed that James, Heta and Elaine continue in their roles as Bursary Committee.

It was pointed out that roles continue until resigned, so there was no need to vote.

The meeting was closed at 17:02.