Autscape is the trading name of The Autscape Organisation, a
registered charity (no. 1141913) and limited company registered in England
and Wales (no. 7325467).
Registered office: 101 Broad Park Road, Henley Green, Coventry, England, CV2 1DB
Registered office: 101 Broad Park Road, Henley Green, Coventry, England, CV2 1DB
How to verify
The Autscape Organisation incorporated on 26th July 2010 and became a UK Registered Charity on 13th May 2011. Here is how you can verify this.
- Registered charity
- Visit the Charity Commission, enter our number (1141913) in the "Charity Search" box, and click on the little magnifying glass.
- Limited company
- Visit WebCHeck at the Companies House, enter our number (7325467) at "Company Number:", and click on the white search button.
Further information
Read our Constitution, consisting of the Memorandum & Articles of Association and the Bye-laws. Get to know the board of directors and observe at a board meeting. See also the full list of our policies.