
Autscape is the trading name of The Autscape Organisation, a registered charity (no. 1141913) and limited company registered in England and Wales (no. 7325467).
Registered office: 101 Broad Park Road, Henley Green, Coventry, England, CV2 1DB

How to verify

The Autscape Organisation incorporated on 26th July 2010 and became a UK Registered Charity on 13th May 2011. Here is how you can verify this.

Registered charity
Visit the Charity Commission, enter our number (1141913) in the "Charity Search" box, and click on the little magnifying glass.
Limited company
Visit WebCHeck at the Companies House, enter our number (7325467) at "Company Number:", and click on the white search button.

Further information

Read our Constitution, consisting of the Memorandum & Articles of Association and the Bye-laws. Get to know the board of directors and observe at a board meeting. See also the full list of our policies.