Autscape 2016

This page about Autscape 2016 is of historical interest only. Go to the home page for current information.

Autscape 2016: Identity
Tuesday 16 August – Friday 19 August 2016
Giggleswick School, Settle, North Yorkshire, UK

Autscape is a conference with a difference. Rather than talking to a primarily non-autistic audience about autism, this conference is specifically by and for autistic people. Some of it isn't even about autism at all! Non-autistic people are also welcome, but the environment and content of the event are centred around autistic people’s needs, interests and sensitivities.

Autscape lasts three days in which there are workshops, leisure activities, social opportunities, and more, all specifically oriented to the needs and preferences of autistic people.

Information Pack

The information pack for participants is now available. These are PDF documents which may require Acrobat Reader or another PDF reader. Alternatively, you may convert the PDF to another E-Reading format, eg. .EPUB or .AZW3, using a web-based conversion tool such as To ePub.

Click on the following links to view or download.


There are two different versions of the Programme Timetable. The first provides an at-a-glance summary of the main events. The second provides detail on smaller discussion groups, specific leisure activities and the like.

Venue and Experience


Note: If you can't open or save these files, right-click on the links, save them to the 'Desktop', and open them from there.


1 August 2016 Booking is now closed for Autscape 2016.
19/07/2016 The Call For Nominations to the Autscape board is now open.
22 June 2016 Booking is now open for Autscape 2016.
03 June 2016 The list of presentations in the main programme is available.
14 December 2015

Autscape 2016 has been booked for August 16-19th 2016 (Tuesday - Friday) at Giggleswick School in Yorkshire.

Reason for choosing Giggleswick school: see here.

We hope to open for registration in May 2016.

25 October 2015 If you think you have left something of importance at Autscape, please contact us at with a description rather than contacting the venue directly. We have retrieved a few items, including a pendant, from the 2015 venue.

To receive updates about Autscape, join our mailing list: send an empty message to the listserver at

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