What to do when you first arrive

This page about Autscape 2018 is of historical interest only. Go to the home page for current information.

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What to do when you arrive

Please email any questions to registrar@autscape.org or leave a note on your booking

The first thing you do when you arrive at the venue is to register.
You must register before you can go to any of the boarding houses or join in any activities.

How to Register

There will be volunteeers around to assist you and answer questions.

One of the volunteers will take you your accommodation if you are staying residential.

Then someone will show you the way to your bedroom. This may be the same volunteer or it may be someone waiting inside the house to assist with this.

When you are ready you can go the programme area or to orientation or explore the grounds.

If you would like to be shown the way back to the registration area or to the programme area wait near your house entrance (inside or outside). Most have somewhere to sit. Next time the volunteer comes to bring people to the house they'll take the people waiting back with them.

If you are not staying residential and are coming for all days you can choose whether or not to go to see your house or you can make your way to the programme area or explore the grounds as above.

If you are attending for an evening, or a day or two days you don't have a house. Someone will show you the way to the activity you wish to attend.

Registration Times (final version)

Tuesday Times

If you cannot arrive by 5pm, please let the registrar know. Registration will not be possible after 9pm, even by arrangement.

Notes for Tuesday

Wednesday and Thursday Registration Times

Wednesday and Thursday Registration notes

Friday Registration Times

Notes for Friday