Autscape cannot guarantee that you will be able to obtain funding for a carer. However we can suggest some places you might try. Bear in mind that applying for funding can take quite a long time. It is good to start as early as possible, 6-9 months before Autscape would be ideal. As a minimum plan on needing to start looking for funding 12 weeks before Autscape.
(1) Social Services
If you are receiving support from social services, the best chance of funding for a carer is through your normal care package.
If you have an individual budget you should be able to decide yourself that you want to use some of that money to pay for a carer's costs at Autscape.
If you receive direct payments you can ask your care manager (social worker) if you can use some of this money to pay for a carer's costs at Autscape. You can try to ask for extra money for this but it is more likely you will be expected to save up hours from your normal care to pay for this.
If you receive care directly from social services you can ask your care manager (social worker) to provide funding for a carer at Autscape. If you find that it is difficult to convince social services, it may help to write them a letter. It's best if this letter concentrates on your personal situation: why coming to Autscape would be valuable for you and why you can't manage to do so without a carer. However it may help to mention the following points:
attending Autscape may support your ability to access important peer support networks
attending Autscape may offer you opportunities to learn new ways of adapting to and coping with difficulties you experience
attending Autscape may provide you with access to opportunities and facilities which are not available in your local community
attending Autscape may provide unique opportunities for you to educate yourself about autism
attending Autscape may enhance your ability to advocate for yourself
When explaining why you need a carer at Autscape it may help to consider:
whether there are vital self-care tasks you might be unable to do adequately (or at all) without assistance (for example all aspects of eating, drinking, sleeping, toileting, bathing and dressing)
whether you would be able to effectively access the opportunities at Autscape without assistance (for example advocacy, interaction assistance)
(2) Carer's Grants
It may sound illogical, but it may be possible to get a carer's grant (or equivalent) to fund a carer's place at Autscape. These grants (your local social services office or carer's association will know where to apply) are designed to allow unpaid carers a break from their caring responsibilities. If it is possible for you (and your unpaid carer) to argue that because of the unique environment at Autscape they will need to care for you much less than normally and this is therefore a break for them, it is a possibility.
(3) Charitable Funding
Many national and local charities and trusts are linked to particular trades and professions or serve people with a specific condition or disability. We are not aware of an autism-specific charity offering such help, but if you have another disability as well a charity specific to this may help. Alternatively you might meet the criteria of a charity because you live in a certain area or once worked in a particular type of job. Sometimes an application for a grant has to come through a health or social care professional eg your social worker, health visitor, district nurse.
All charities have eligibility criteria that must be met for people to qualify for help from their trusts and funds.
Before you contact groups to find out who might be able to help, it helps if you have ready the following information:
- area of residence
- place of birth
- family background and responsibilities
- career and work history
- service in the armed forces
- past or present membership of a trade union or professional association
- religious affiliations
There are several ways to find out which charities/trusts could apply to you.
(a) Contact The Association of Charity Officers (ACO). They can search their database for the charities whose criteria you meet and who would consider funding a carer for you at Autscape.
Call them on 01707 651 777. The Helpline service is available Monday to Friday 10.00am to 4.00pm. (if you hear an answerphone message between these hours, please call back later as the lines may be busy).
(b) You can also search yourself on the Turn2Us website.
(c) 'A Guide to Grants for Individuals in Need' is a useful book, available though your local library service, listing all the charities and benevolent funds in the UK. It includes details of eligibility criteria, what they will make grants for, and how to apply.
Autscape cannot guarantee you will be able to find funding but we hope these tips are helpful.